In the debut episode of this series on Hawai‘i creatives, follow Barrio Vintage owner and stylist Bradley Rhea as he prepares to unveil his otherworldly fashion show, “Protea,” at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum.
In the debut episode of this series on Hawai‘i creatives, follow Barrio Vintage owner and stylist Bradley Rhea as he prepares to unveil his otherworldly fashion show, “Protea,” at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum.
Musician and activist Madame Gandhi spends the week in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, performing, meeting and connecting to the community.
This year’s Honolulu Pride was the grandest pride festival to date in the Pacific! With an anticipated 30,000 people to celebrate the festival and parade, Kalākaua Avenue was lined with festival goers admiring the colorful floats and balloons, dazzling streamers, and glamorous drag queens. The parade featured more than 100 moving parts from floats to convertible cars to trolleys, including our Lei Trolley.
Carrington Manaola Yap, designer of Manaola, speaks of the loves in his life that inspire his brand.